
Say Goodbye To All Annoying Online Ads


Say Goodbye To All Annoying Online Ads: Meet the Tiny Gadget That allows you to browse the internet ad-free!

The Big Tech Companies and retailers are furious as users discover a revolutionary device that completely blocks all online advertisements. Improving their old PCs performance for a fraction of the cost.


It’s a well-known fact that the number of online ads have continued to skyrocket every year, and unfortunately, the quality of these ads seem to be deteriorating. You can’t even watch online videos anymore without being forced to watch an ad before the video even starts. Over the next 5 years, the amount of ads are estimated to increase by another 50%. Eventually, your computer simply won’t function as quickly as it used to, and downloads that used to take minutes will start to take hours.

Even worse, these Big Online Advertising Companies are tracking everything you do online. This means all your online searches, and all your viewing habits are being tracked and sold to the highest bidder.

“For years, the big online advertising companies have been using and selling your data for enormouse profit, until now.”

Users around the world are raving about a revolutionary USB gadget that is making their PCs’ ad-free in just minutes. This small device is called Adblock Stick.

Adblock Stick is a USB stick that actively blocks all all online ads, including banner ads, pop ups, and and protects your computer from tracking to help restore your PC to its former glory.

With Adblock Stick, there’s no need to view annoying online ads anymore (It even blocks those annoying video ads). This tiny USB stick doubles your internet browsing speed and protects your computer from malicious viruses and ads, while saving you thousands of dollars! No browser plugins required.


How does it work?

Adblock Stick is easy to use for any PC owner.
There is no technical knowledge required with Adblock Stick. All you need to do is:

STEP 1: Plug in - Adblock Stick in your PC’s USB port.
STEP 2: Follow - the easy onscreen instructions.
STEP 3: Enjoy fast and ad free - internet browsing!
You only have to set up Adblock Stick once, and you can even use it on multiple computers!Adblockstick256

Connect Adblock Stick


Auto Install Software


Enjoy Ad-Free Browsing

With Adblock Stick, you’ll be able to do all the things you normally do...surf the web, check your email, watch videos (including Netflix), play games, Facebook...

There was even a test to see how Adblock Stick would perform against other products on the market. At the beginning of the test, the company distributed a USB stick and an old laptop to each tester, so they could see for themselves that the product works as advertised. New laptops and similar devices were distributed as well, just to see how Adblock Stick would perform against the competition. The results were astounding.

Adblock Stick
leaves it’s competition in the dust

The verdict for all of our six testers is that the Adblock Stick exceeded their expectations, and drastically improved their computers’ performance and efficiency while browsing the internet.

“I put Adblock Stick in my laptop, and immediately all of my webpages loaded up in less than a second. For the rest of the day, all of my files downloaded faster than they were before. I feel like I have a brand new work computer - It’s incredible!”

Expressed one of our colleagues.

One of the testers, who has tried numerous ad blocking software in the past, thought that the Adblock Stick was more effective and reliable than similar products.

“I’ve always used some kind of software to help get rid of ads, but Adblock Stick actually helps my computer work faster...It’ll be a big money saver for our office! Also, it helps me to focus on my work without any distractions from ads popping up.”

Compared to other similar products on the market, the Adblock Stick doesn’t simply block ads and popups. It works to actively protect your computer, and helps it to function like a brand new computer.


In the official test performed by the company, the testers were thrilled after only a few minutes. Our colleagues confirmed that the operation really is that easy. Simply plug in and get started.

One of our colleagues said, “I no longer worry that my 9-year-old daughter is being exposed to inappropriate advertising while she watches her shows”.

It turns out that browsing the internet without all those online ads is now a reality. That’s one reason Adblock Stick is now selling worldwide like crazy.

Try Adblock Stick Now!

For a limited time only, Adblock Stick is offering an introductory 50% discount to all new customers.

More than 100,000 customers trust Adblock Stick!

It protects your privacy - Don’t let the online ad companies track you again!
It works on any PC - if your computer has a USB drive, you can use the Adblock Stick!
Easy to use and ready for use in minutes - just plug it in, no special technical skills are required!

Tip: The Adblock Stick is a great great great gift because it will save anyone who gets it a lot of money.

It protects your privacy - Don’t let the online ad companies track you again!
It works on any PC - if your computer has a USB drive, you can use the Adblock Stick!
Easy to use and ready for use in minutes - just plug it in, no special technical skills are required!

Tip: The Adblock Stick is a great great great gift because it will save anyone who gets it a lot of money.


HURRY! Due to high demand,
stock is limited and running out quickly.

to get your
Adblock Stick 50% OFF!
THIS SPECIAL OFFER ENDS ON: Tuesday, September 13, 2022
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